Draw ER Diagrams effortlessly using QuickDBD

2 min readNov 24, 2022

It’s one of the best intuitive and faster online data modelling tools that allows user to design ERD without much coding or any drawing skills. Just type and there’s your diagram!! How cool it is :)

Even though the presence of code editor might throw some people away, it’s very easy to use unlike some other data modelling tools with code editor where users are required to write SQL to generate tables. It should not even be called a code editor, but text editor as you do not require any coding skills to generate your ERD. It’s as easy as just writing your table names and relationships and the application automatically generates the diagram quite fast and dynamic.

I have worked on different tools to create ERDs that requires you to draw and not code and they were painful. I guess most data modelers, data engineers would prefer keyboard over mouse. The diagrams look way more pretty than most other tools generates where you don’t have to type but draw.


· User friendly UI for text editing to generate tables and relationships

CustomerID PK int
Name string
Address1 string
Address2 NULL string
Address3 NULL string

OrderID PK int
CustomerID int FK >- Customer.CustomerID
TotalAmount decimal
Above text would generate Customer & Order table on the diagram pane

· Reverse engineering : Allows you to import a data model from an existing database

· Data dictionary : Generate PDF document of your diagram which could serve as a data dictionary


· Limitation on database types where you can import existing database. It would have been great if they support more vendors like Snowflake, redshift etc

· Private feature available only with Pro license

You can try the online app for free which supports one diagram up to ten entities.

Try here

